Somebody is really just a baby………

happily sitting in a wonderful “Cupcake Fiber” box.   It made her so very happy.   Thank you Joan.   You made Stinky very very happy.  I’m pretty thrilled, too, but I like what was in the box.

So, today is Friday.  My lack of walking has finally caught up with me.   I’m visited by the Pissyfairy and I’m less than desirable to be around.   I plan on changing that this weekend.  In fact, the boy (he’s not so thrilled with me either) and I went out Thursday morning and this morning .  Not very long either time, but we haven’t really walked for almost 10 days.  We’re pathetic.  Oh, it’s not just me.   Sure, he goes out and plays and when I call him he runs flat out to get to the door.  It’s great to see.   It’s also fabulous to just get out in the fresh air and walk.   I might be addicted, but it’s a good addiction!!!!

Here is another rendition of “Louie Louie” .   Toots and the Maytals.  I love this version.  Enjoy!!!!!

Have a great weekend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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8 Responses to Somebody is really just a baby………

  1. margene says:

    You are not pathetic! We all take a break once in awhile and you’ve had terrible weather to blame it on. I’m back to walking in the morning. I love my mittens, hood, leg warmers and shawl. We can do it!
    I’m envious of your Cupcake fiber (and I love the box, too!). I must buy some soon!

  2. joyknits says:

    Walking has certainly fallen victim to the weather here too – Grover’s not the only one whose not happy about it! EM’s obviously very happy with her new toy – what color(s) did you get?

  3. Emiko says:

    What a cute way to display fiber – had to check out the website 🙂

    I love how cats have more fun with the toy (or other) packaging, rather than the content or the toy itself 🙂
    So my Frank can be easily entertained (his favorite: tissue wrap paper).

    I love Ms. EM’s nose – so pink!

    Well January’s almost done – maybe our pissyfairies will go hang out w/ someone else (I could use a break from her myself). Happy Friday!

  4. heideho says:

    It’s not pathetic! Risking life and limb on cold, slippery surfaces is not worth taking a walk for. LOVE the picture of Esau Marie. She has such an earnest look on her wee little face. Take it easy and don’t over do the venture out with Grover.

  5. Cookie says:

    Kitty in a box. I love it!

    With this weather, I think everyone is off schedule. Better being safe than sorry.


  6. joan says:

    Love that cat!

    Pissyfairy – I think I need one of those name necklaces that says that.


  7. Winter makes everything hard – staying positive, keeping up with exercise etc. Don’t beat yourself up.

    How is it I hadn’t heard of Cupcake Fiber Company before?

  8. marianne says:

    What a funny, sweet expression on Stinky’s face :^)
    What colour did you get????? (little excited happy dancin’ for you!) and seriously, how Beautiful are those Cupcakes?!?!?!? My first up close and personal ‘introduction’ had me reeling with the Beautimous.
    You’re not pathetic. Better to have no broken/sprained/etc etc staying in than not. You’ve had more than your fair share of the cold and white stuff, that will change given time.

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